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Build powerful and meaningful relationships in OOP using Inheritance

Build powerful and meaningful relationships in OOP using Inheritance

Imagine you’re building a virtual world, where you have the power to create characters, animals, and objects that interact with each other. How do you keep your virtual world organized and efficient? That’s where Object Oriented Programming (OOP) comes into play. OOP is like a toolkit for programmers, offering a set of powerful concepts to design and build software. In this article, we’re going to embark on a journey to understand one of the key concepts of OOP: inheritance. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear grasp of how inheritance helps you create relationships between objects, making your code more organized and versatile.

Getting to Know Object Oriented Programming

Before we dive into the fascinating world of inheritance, let’s take a moment to understand what Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is all about. Imagine you’re writing a story or a play. In traditional programming, you might create a list of instructions for the computer to follow, step by step. But in OOP, you create characters (objects) that have their own unique traits and behaviors, just like characters in a book. These objects can interact with each other, creating a dynamic and engaging narrative.


Now, let’s introduce the concept of inheritance. Imagine you’re designing a game with different types of animals – lions, tigers, and bears. While these animals have their own distinct features, they also share common traits, like the ability to move and make sounds. Inheritance is like passing down these common traits from one class of objects to another.

In simpler terms, inheritance allows you to create a new object based on an existing object, inheriting its properties and behaviors. This helps you avoid repeating the same code for similar objects and promotes code reusability.

Types of Classes: Parent and Child

Inheritance involves two main types of classes: parent and child classes. The parent class, also known as the superclass, serves as the blueprint for the child classes, also known as subclasses. The child classes inherit the properties and behaviors of the parent class while having the flexibility to add their own unique features.

Let’s go back to our animal example. The parent class could be called “Animal,” and it would contain common properties and behaviors that all animals share, like “move” and “make sound.” The child classes, such as “Lion,” “Tiger,” and “Bear,” would inherit these common traits from the parent class and could add their own specific traits, like “roar” for lions.

Benefits of Inheritance

  1. Code Reusability: Inheritance allows you to reuse code from the parent class in multiple child classes. This means you don’t have to write the same code over and over again, making your program more efficient and easier to maintain.
  2. Organization: Inheritance helps you organize your code by grouping related objects together. Instead of having separate code for each type of animal, you can create a hierarchy that makes it clear how different objects are related.
  3. Flexibility: Inheritance provides a flexible way to create new objects with similar features. You can easily create new subclasses based on an existing parent class, making it convenient to expand your program.

Real-World Analogy: Family Tree

To better understand inheritance, let’s use a real-world analogy: a family tree. Think of the parent class as the grandparent and the child classes as parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Just as family traits like eye color or height are passed down through generations, inheritance allows you to pass down traits and behaviors from the parent class to the child classes.

For instance, if your grandparent is a talented musician, their musical abilities might be inherited by your parents, aunts, and uncles. While each family member has their own unique interests and skills, they share a common foundation of musical talent.


Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming is like building a family tree of objects, where common traits and behaviors are passed down from parent classes to child classes. It helps you create organized, efficient, and versatile code by reusing existing code. Further, it also promotes a clear hierarchy of relationships between objects. By mastering the concept of inheritance, you’ll have a powerful tool at your disposal to create complex and dynamic software, just like a skilled architect building a magnificent structure brick by brick.

As you continue your journey into the world of programming, remember that inheritance is just one of the many building blocks that make Object Oriented Programming a valuable toolkit. With a solid understanding of inheritance, you’ll be well-equipped to design and create software that not only functions flawlessly but also reflects your creativity and ingenuity.

Read more about Fundamentals of Programming.